CCSL Girls
The California Competitive Soccer League (CCSL) girls is the competitive playing league operating under the Cal North Soccer Association (CalNorth). The league consists of multiple levels of competition including gold, silver, and bronze level of play. Teams are grouped by their team level and geography to minimize travel.
NorCal Boys
NorCal Boys Soccer is the premier soccer event for youth soccer teams in Northern California. This unique competition is a combination of both league-style and tournament-style play.
NorCal Girls
NorCal Girls Soccer is the premier soccer event for youth soccer teams in Northern California. This unique competition is a combination of both league-style and tournament-style play.
San Francisco Youth Soccer (SFYS) boys is a comprehensive community soccer organization, benefiting San Francisco youth. Our mission is to support youth soccer and leadership through sport.
SFYS Girls
San Francisco Youth Soccer (SFYS) girls is a comprehensive community soccer organization, benefiting San Francisco youth. Our mission is to support youth soccer and leadership through sport.